smkettner wrote:
Generally you should have 4x GC2 for a residential fridge application. Especially if off grid 18+ hours. Maybe 2x L16 if you have the headroom.
With everything off, your batteries should be resting at ~12.6 volts... plug into the running truck to verify voltage pops up at least 1/2 volt to show the connection is working.
Next I assume you are charging on generator when off grid. What converter is doing the charging? And what is the charging voltage? Voltage should steadily rise to at least 14.2 volts during the first 30 to 90 minutes of charging. You should continue charging at least 60 minutes after battaery is above 14.2 volts.
You did not mention solar? I recommend 500+ watts if you are off grid with a residential fridge.
Not necessarily true.
I can easily go 20-24 hrs without any problem with ONE pair of GC2 batteries and still have plenty of capacity leftover.. And that is with running a 30K furnace overnight which draws 10A while it is running..
I suspect the OP has a charging issue or other phantom draws or perhaps both..
Additionally the OPs fridge may have other things going which may contribute to excessive battery draw like electric door heaters which reduce sweating around the door.. My fridge does not use electric door heaters which saves me a lot of battery draw..