Never have tried to use a screen door on a submarine. My heavily insulated force draft 18 cf consumes 58 amp hours in 24-hours. I had to convert and adjust 12 to 24 volts for you. Start engine. 400-amp Niehoff alternator looks at it's task list and laughs it's ass off. Preparation-preparation- preparation. But I will say this seriously - that Samsung has saved me many many thousands of dollars of wasted food and needless trips to distant "gas" plants and replacing wasted food. When I shop I can put a lot of food in that 5-CF freezer and on a 100F day the ice cream comes out rock hard.
I would not go back to gas if someone paid me a thousand dollars and stuck a gun to my head. Ya think maybe - just maybe a bank of AGM batteries and a high output alternator is outside the realm of intelligenge to obtain ABSOLUTELY TROUBLE FREE REFIGERATION/FREEZING? On a hundred degree day even the door shelves maintain 39F and the freezer -5F. Butane fills are reserved for hot water heating but I have a HEAT EXHANGER off of engine cooling with convection circulation with check valve. No can do on a tow rig but I am free forever of the idiocy of substandard food preservation and MIS-ENGINEERED absorbsion manufacturing. I know what pissed off hydrogen atoms do to steel and sheet metal piping is a cruel joke. It takes thought and planning to do a conversion to freon but hey you guys haunt a tech forum so what's the issue? My refrigerator will be trouble-free GUARANTEED just like it has been since 1994. And I am free of worries about Listeria Shigella and Tomaine. Wotta hoot.