If I run into something like that now, I smile and start back peddling...
"Lo siento no hablo ingles"
"I'm sorry but I don't speak spanish"
"I'm deaf"
"Soy sordo"
"I'm disabled"
Tengo incapacidad"
The ill-tempered who snap at the hand holding a treat. It's really true "You Can't Cure Stupid".
But note the conversation has drifted and none of this has anything to do with the OP.
What it DOES have to do with is learning about what you're trying to do. I am computer and arduino ignorant and will fight to the death to stay that way. If something bad happens because I chose to ignore the ramifications of ignorance I smile and shine it on. My ignorance either caused a problem or made it worse. Mea culpa. My aged housekeeper in Oaxaca put her hands and frowned. " let me explain something to you senor..."
"All your life information is filling your head. When you grow old your head gets full. At one point or another your head gets full. Then something very unimportant can go into one ear and push something very important out the other ear".
All I know is if I do not educate myself before I buy something (usually very expensive) I am likely to end up screwing myself. Browbeating oneself in a mirror is not good for the ego. A person can be their own worst enemy. Read! Educate yourself! Study!