4-1/2 digit voltage GAUGES are now available that exhibit as an example 12.689 volts. What is gained is accuracy if the gauge is made correctly. Percentage error and least significant plus and minus variances (typically three or four numbers) becomes a moot point because this occurs in the thousandth of a volt place. This eliminates rounding off errors, for instance a meter showing 14.1 volts instead of 14.0 volts. This is particularly important when verifying the accuracy of kWh meters.
I've lost track of the number of kWh and ampere hour meters that I found to have significant error. I consider error in excess of 10% to make an amp hour meter next to worthless. An accurate 4-1/2 digit volt gauge and a precision Manganin shunt is a formidable tool for verifying accuracy of a day in and day out meter.