I do not second as a Search Engine and Google should stop embarrassing themselves by trying to play electro chemical engineer.
When charging amperage exceeds the level of the natural absorption rate, the battery may overheat, causing the electrolyte solution to bubble creating flammable hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas, when combined with oxygen from the air, is highly explosive and can easily be ignited by a spark. You shouldn't boil them.This is utter poppycock best suited for campfire gossip after guzzling a couple of six-packs.
- Gassing is not a product of overheating in a battery. It is a product of electro hydrolysis. Forming hydrogen AND OXYGEN from sulfuric acid
- Equalizing a flooded lead acid battery is impossible without creating mild to moderate electro hydrolysis
- I can create impressive amounts of hydrogen and oxygen emissions from a battery while it is at room temperature
What's next from GOGGLE, medical advice, definitions of morality.
Good god gertie.