Forum Discussion

  • I just converted a 22-dollar Cheapowatt coupled to a 20 amp auto reset breaker to get a 25 amp rated float charger with a 20-amp safety cutoff. The sealed units are great for weather but they are not large enough for a bank of batteries and larger float chargers are like diamonds - twice the size, six times the cost.

    But for single battery use especially where weather is a factor, it's tough to beat a small sealed maintenance charger.

    Señor Almot I do indeed know what these units are for :)
    But promoting "pulse desulfation" with something that operates at that PWM frequency anyway is pure hooey. The whole time the thing is plugged it it is at 3.4MHz. Big deal. Want pulsing? Use an old fashioned center tapped transformer charger. About 10,000 times the pulse energy. Pure P.T. Barnum fodder.
  • I used the above link to order a BatteryMINDer on Cyber Monday from Northern Tool for $19.99.

    Today (Tuesday) Northern Tool does indeed show a higher price of $24.99.

    I don't care/know how one interprets the output waveform of the BatteryMINDer ... I gave my O'Scope away a long time ago so I can't check out whether it's putting out a steady stream of DC pulses for battery maintenance or a long duration constant DC voltage periodically replaced by a shorter burst of DC pulses for battery maintenance.

    I do know that I got 6 or more years out of my motorhome's Ford OEM liquid acid chassis battery by keeping a BatteryMINDer on it the whole time when not on the road. That Ford battery was probably still "pretty good" when I replaced it, but I replaced it to help ensure high reliability on our RV when on trips. I've never gotten 6 years out of any engine starting battery when just left it in a vehicle the whole time with no maintainer on it - like I used to do before I bought my first BatteryMINDer.
  • I just happen to be a believer in the DelTran maintainers. The 750 milliamp is 26.73 on Amazon - free ship.

    Anyhow the junior model has always performed great for me.
  • I ordered one of these from Northern tool on the 28th.
    Its the 9th today still no show. Tracking shows that it is in the local area now.
    Hard to believe a little bitty package like this is coming UPS, the slowest, most expensive shipping there is.
  • Better check again. Many companies charge say 11 dollars for shipping but pay actually six or seven. It's a widespread scam.

    Like AMAZON and their AMAZON PRIME

    Price AMAZON PRIME $33.34

    Price regular free shipping $26.59

    At least they're upfront about it.

    Another eBay mouth drooler. Order and shipping instructions clearly state WILL ARRIVE BY OCT 15. A week later after digging through the site and asking where the stuff is, the announcement says SHOULD ARRIVE BEFORE NOV 2

    Used car salesmen ethics. This is the rule down here.