The goofiness seems to start with the way they equate the percentage state of charge with cell voltage. Nobody does that with Wet/AGMs except with resting voltage. These goofies do it while the battery is being charged.
That throws a scuz into the whole way of "monitoring".
Meanwhile I am wondering if mobilesport has his monitor set up properly wrt what is on the shunt. He is recording charger output amps ok, but it is not showing any change in amps when his furnace comes on apparently.
On the slower rise in voltage at the start of charging from the low point, he got to his low point by hitting the low voltage cut off. But is that voltage even lower than the zero AH mark? The high voltage cut off is higher than the "full" mark. Perhaps there is some catch-up to do at first which is where the extra AH went?
Another thing is how with Wets that are taken way down low, when you recharge they have a low amps acceptance rate. You see the amps slowly rise as SOC comes up until the battery gets back to normal after being recharged somewhat. Is there a similar thing with Li?
But it showed 53 amps down low. But was that what was going into the battery or was that just the way the monitor is only showing charger amps because of the way the shunt is wired?
Lots to sort out here before we can come to any conclusions about Li batts in general or BBs in particular.