Forum Discussion

Homestead_or_Bu's avatar
Jun 19, 2016

Best Sealing? and DRY ROT- w/photos

Hey Everybody,
Boy, this gal could use your help. My new to me 1998 Coachmen C class has some significant water damage. I've got the roof sealed off really well, and thats looking good, but now the rest of the exterior needs attention, and there rare some problem areas. SO Im looking for best sealant recommendations, in general over all exterior, and specifically.

One ISSUE is that there is significant damage on the lower part of the panels that sit just behind the drivers door, and passenger door, meaning both sides, the drivers side being worst.( generator sits aft of it) The area below the molding (about1 foot) has the strength of cardboard, rather than wood that it once was. You can see what happens when I push on the panel in pics. The adjacent walls on the side of the vehicle shows no sign of dry rot. Only the front.
On these dry rot areas, the bottom metal trim is barely hanging on because with the rot, there isn't much to hang on to. I'm not sure if I should use a Sikaflex or Proflex ( sealant/adhesive) to hold it together and prevent further water entry. Or will doing so , just cause the area to get more brittle by binding it?
I wonder if i can shoot some epoxy or whatever in there to shore it up, because I can't see myself cutting it out and replacing it unless I had close guidance. And i know it would be cost prohibitive for a dealer to do it. Any ideas there?

Really want to take care of it, but not sure what my approach should be.

Next- can anybody tell me, by looking at pic, what kind of caulking was used on other near area seals? If its silicone, I heard that silicone is really hard to use anything over it, because not much adheres to it. I started to pull it off and thinking I could reseal with something like Sikaflex or PRoflex- using such over the whole exterior walls and seams...
Also I wonder what I should clean it up with - soap and water, mineral spirits...? Id rather use something non toxic, but that will prepare the surface well so I can get good seals.

Okay, Im hoping some of you experienced folks can lend a hand. I sure would appreciate it right about now.

here's dropbox photo link-

  • Pictures too small to tell much, but you need to remove the trim and pull the siding to inspect the damage behind.
    Rule of thumb is that if the wood is rotten to 20 percent you can use epoxy filler to patch it. With bigger damage it needs to be replaced.
    Don't cover rotten wood as dry-rot is a disease and will keep on going even when leak is fixed.
    Also RV have seal or caulk under the trim. Caulking on top of the trim will help, but will not be guarantee fix.
  • Anywhere there is rotted wood needs the old framing pulled out and new framing installed. It won't get better with time.

    3M caulk remover makes removing prior sealants painless. Apply the remover. cover with Saran wrap and remove the caulk after 12 hrs., using a rag. Clean/rinse the area and apply new sealants.

    I like the Geocel polymer sealants, Proflex is one of their products.