I have excellent charging of my batteries in storage mode using the smart mode chargers... They charge up in a fast three hour charging cycle and then maintains charge using the 13.2 FLOAT (Maintenance) mode. This float stays in place until somethings starts drawing power from the battery then it switches to 13.6VDC mode.
We all know what happens if you leave a 13.6VDC source mode on a battery for extended time. It will boil out your battery fluids over time. The 13.2VDC charge almost eliminates this from happening...
If you are able to monitor your batteries then any of the different 12VDC Chargers will work I guess... If the batteries is at a storage facility then you most likely will not be around it very much to check things...
The battery minders do not have alot of DC Current involved and will top off your battery over time just fine. Same as a low wattage solar panel. If that is what you are looking for then just pick up a low current something...
What I do here at the house is I will switch OUT my batteries and let them set all winter long. Starting out with a fully charged battery they will read around 12.6-7VDC at the terminals and sitting for a couple of months they only drop down to 12.4-5VDC. Then I will charge them back up to full charge again using my smart mode charger....
For me I would want a full blown smart mode charger that I can use with my 2KW generator if the need arises... It's all about PLAN Bs around here hehe... We camp OFF-GRID alot here and need a way to recharge our batteries after they get drawn down to their 50% charge state and bring them back up to their 90% charge state as quick as we can. Of course we can only do 12-14 of these 50-90 charge cycles without having to do a slow full 100% charge mode takes around 12 hours or so using our smart mode chargers... The worse thing you can do to a battery is only do a bunch of small 30 minute charge events. The batteries will not last long doing this... When we are in OFF-GRID camping mode no way will I start a new day/night run off my batteries unless they are at at least a 90% charge state. In my case it always got dark around the camp site around 9-10PM if I was doing alot of these short charging times. Then I would have to do a real slow full 100% charge mode to re-generate the batteries which takes 12hours or so of full charging which is sometimes hard to come up with when at off-gird camp sites where they may have generator run time restrictions etc...
I'm sure others do this differently but this has worked out good for me over the past few years when I started camping OFF-GRID in my POPUP camper.
Roy Ken