Slownsy wrote:
Gdetrailer so what you are saying is that it is a waste of time painting anything as it will not stick and wash off. I hope you didn’t pay for paint on your vehicle or your home. Yes there is prosesses for applications of most coatings and everything has a limited lifespan but maintenance do extend this.
Reading through his posts it sounds like he threw down some FRP, an interior product meant to be applied to interior walls with no UV inhibitors, over an existing roof composed of who knows what. When that band aid failed he tried painting over it with some unknown roof paint, probably not intended to be applied to FRP, then that sheet the bed. Then he scraped or ground that mess off, and applied bed coating, which was not meant for a roof application either. About the only things he did not give a shot was asphalt roof shingles, standing seam steel, or some miracle product endorsed by Phil Swift. He created his own disaster.