Set it for the specified "charging voltage" (14.8 common) and leave it there till the batteries are as full as you are going for (90% when off grid on generator eg, or 100% if at home on shore power)
How do you know when they are at 90 or 100? Now you need an ammeter to see when amps have dropped to your target amps. Or get the SG up close and check the SG again next day to see if the "SG Lag" has caught up.
14.8 is for 25C, so if it is cold out, set the voltage higher. 15.2v at 5C is equivalent to 14.8v at 25C. If it is hotter out set it a tad lower, 14.6. There are tables for that.
I doubt your batts will equalize at only 15v when most require 16v.