GATJcampers wrote:
I was trying to pull the pin on my break-away switch on the trailer and it would not come out. I pulled and pulled, nothing. Then I got a tool and used some leverage and it came out. I noticed on both sides of the pin there were melt marks. Then I noticed a tiny bit of smoke coming out of the switch. Trailer has been parked for weeks.No problems that I know of. I was just testing the switch. Any idea what could be going on? Is it as simple as replacing the switch? Thanks
Wonder if the smoke you see is really the corrosion as a result of the friction from pulling it out. I accidentally set mine off at a campground and had to reset it, I did not look closely to reveal the orientation and had to replace it as soon as I got home. I did not have the problem you had but if you can put it back in securely you will be okay other wise it may be time to replace it.