Ziggy1524 wrote:
You have lost a phase (one leg) of you service. Unlike homes, most RVs have split panels. Power comes into your 2 pole 50amp breaker and 1 pole feeds to the left and 1 pole to the right. The reason you have a A/C breaker on each side is, the AC is 220 and needs 120 from each side of the panel. Check the power at your ped to make sure you rv is getting 220 and if it is. Replace the 2p/50amp breaker. Of course, please disconnect from the ped, before replacing the main. You can purchase a replacemt breaker at Lowe's or HD.
Ziggy, I'm at home and only have an extension cord providing 20A of power using a 20A-50A dogbone. That is likely why I'm only on one leg.