jy wrote:
I just replaced the 6 volt batteries in my golf cart with brand new Trojan T105,s.
BTW I also have two chargers.The bigger one charges at about a 25 amp rate,the smaller one charges at about a 5 amp rate.
SoundGuy wrote:
Presumably you understand that the Trojan T-105 as a pair require a bulk charge voltage of 14.82 volts ... can either of these chargers do this? :@
MrWizard wrote:
per pair in your RV
he said 'golf cart'
assuming he has (6) batteries thats a 36v system
and he has the appropriate charger ?
So what? That doesn't change anything, a T-105 needs a bulk charging rate of 7.41 volts per unit or 14.82 volts per pair in series. The OP hasn't indicated at all just which chargers he has, how many of these T-105s he bought, nor whether he charges them individually, as pairs, or as a group, but regardless the fact remains they must be bulk charged at the correct voltage or he won't realize maximum life from these batteries. My bet is he bought these batteries by name but without giving any thought at all as to whether his existing chargers are suitable for charging these Trojan batteries which have their own specific charging requirements that are different from other brands. :R