Forum Discussion

Scott_M's avatar
Nov 17, 2020

Burner Tube Air Adjustments on new Dometic Appliances?

Just picked up our new Odyssey 24B from the dealer last weekend. Took it out the one of our favorite campgrounds on the way home. Did a pretty through walkthrough before we took delivery. Made sure water heater and refrigerator started in gas and electric, etc. Got to the CG and started water heater. After a few minutes it stated popping, flame backing up down the burner tube and large yellow flame. To much air, ok throttle down the adjustment sleeve to reduce air in the mixture. But wait, no adjustment sleeve. Checked the owner’s manual, nothing regarding any air mix control for the flame. Model is Dometic WH-6GEA. Already had some soot build up above the vent on the door. Are the any adjustments to control the air gas mixture I am missing? Just noticed also no air adjustments on the refrigerator burner tube as well.
  • dougrainer wrote:
    wa8yxm wrote:
    IN the photo the air/ratio adjustment is lower left the WINDOW in the pipe

    there should be (though I do not see it) either a slider or a twist around collar on that wide open window that reduces the air flow.

    As I said I did NOT see it in the photo.

    You did not see it because it is NOT supposed to have one. Doug

    As stated:
    Along with that change...burner/orifice assembly now no longer has 'air shutter'
  • wa8yxm wrote:
    IN the photo the air/ratio adjustment is lower left the WINDOW in the pipe

    there should be (though I do not see it) either a slider or a twist around collar on that wide open window that reduces the air flow.

    As I said I did NOT see it in the photo.

    You did not see it because it is NOT supposed to have one. Doug
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    IN the photo the air/ratio adjustment is lower left the WINDOW in the pipe

    there should be (though I do not see it) either a slider or a twist around collar on that wide open window that reduces the air flow.

    As I said I did NOT see it in the photo.
  • YEP...Brand NEW Version (Standard 6 gal combo and '9 gal' combo XT model)

    Dometic moved the combustion/exhaust 'U' tube to center area (stacked one above other) so that they could install electric element in front (vs backside like previous models)
    Now access to all components is available via outside compartment

    Along with that change...burner/orifice assembly now no longer has 'air shutter'

    Yellow/lazy flame....dirty orifice/burner tube
    Spiders LOVE propane and will build a web quick as they can.
    Web WILL disrupt the narrow air/fuel ratio and cause yellow flame (gas flow MUST be at spec in order to 'pull' sufficient air in via venturi)

    Air Pressure will not disturb spider webs....
    Clean using small bottle brush for burner tube
    Soak orifice in alcohol then blow it dry...just use your mouth to blow NOT high pressure air or poke anything thru it---damage the metered hole and you will need a new orifice