Back from time-intensive charger building...
The group 65 flooded is one of the problem children of the battery world. It's failure under warranty rate is the highest of any auto battery. Acid starvation and sloppy assembly. Loose as a goose plate fit that sleazes by in a group 24 or 27 is a death knell for the 65. Destined for use in Ford diesel motors, plates are crammed in. Look at the CCA for these critters. 850? 900?
It's side-kick is the flooded group 31. Common sense calculates the 65 should be limited to around 675 CCA using .030" plates and envelope separators. Try to find a quality brand flooded 65 with that spec.
Because of the very difference in nature between AGM and flooded, the former does not exhibit the flaw of the flooded variety.
Old and heavy group 27 batteries used to feature 525 CCA. And they endured.
The 34 is another snot rag design.
Light-duty in mild temperatures distill the durability and longevity of the 65. A coastal northern California climate and moderate daily driving will serve to make the 65 look like a champ. Take it somewhere with hot summers and the champ turns into a chump. Compare the weight of a 65 to a heavy 27. Now look at the price. The premium is for a shorter lifespan and possible warranty.
Battery failures cost me too much strain, pain, and money. So this tips the scale rather heavily in favor of the AGM. Ooooooo by the way, acid starvation accelerates antimony migration (poisoning). A generator of corrosive fumes without parallel. Dug around under the hood of a few dozen Ford diesel rigs? The corrosion is pathetic.
So it isn't a matter of whether AGM is "best". It's no contest. At least as far as the 65 and some brands of 29-30-31 is concerned.
Lifeline indeed makes a superior product. Is it needed? All of the features that make it superior? For duty as an engine starting battery? You would have a hard time convincing me.
Johnson Controls AGM batteries were (when I checked) made in China. But spiral cell AGM batteries are currently made in Mexico. So who knows?
An Odyssey, DEKA or Fullriver AGM should do the job nicely. Until proven otherwise I am avoiding Johnson Controls batteries.
I would have to say I would bet that a decent AGM will just whip the hell out of a flooded group 65 battery lifespan versus dollars. Daily cost.
The group 34 is yet another trashbag design. Reminds me to not be a hypocrite. My toad has a low CCA group 34. And betcha I'm going to do something to it before it does something to me.