Well, shee-it. So maybe going back to flooded is not a solution after all.
I spent about an hour and a half on the phone today, starting with the 800 number I found for Johnson Control, and being sent hither and yon.
And in a loop! I ended up getting transferred, not to my knowledge, back to the same woman I had talked to at the beginning. That time she got her supervisor in the line.
The supervisor insisted that the AGM's they make for AutoZone are fully charged between 12.6 and 12.8v. She said that she was not confusing this with a flooded battery, that this really is how they make them.
Honestly, I wasn't sure whether to believe her or not. She said that they didn't have any published publicly available specs that I could look at, I just had to take her word for it.
What do you think, Mex? I know what Mr Tuna will say :)
Do you think all my screwing around has been for nothing and the first battery was actually ok?
If so, do you think I should keep this one that was at 12.39v when they gave it to me? Or do you think being run that low is going to make it permanently gimpy?