Naio, are you going to put the meanwell on the proposed AGM after the vehicle sits in storage, or are you going to expect simply driving the vehicle will be enough to keep it happy.
The AGm will self discharge less, and likely be ble to start the engine when much more depleted than its flooded counterpart, but it is not going to be immune to the effects of being chronically undercharged rom self discharge and paraistic draws.
if the fateyour engine battery is to be determined by your vehicle's charging system and the amount you drive, then i will say again to just get the freshest flooded starter battery with the best easiest to use warranty you can find.
If you are going to hook the meanwell to it and bring it to mid 14's until amps taper to 0.5% of capacity any time you get the chance, then the AGM will likely give good bang for the buck, but it depends on the parasitic draw and how long it is feeding on the battery.
Unhooking the negative battery cable will stop the parasitic draw, and the computer controlled engine might run crusty until it relearns the sensor readings, and boohoo you wil have to reset the preset radio staions.
if you cant be bothered to maintain a haughty expensive AGM engine starting battery then go cheap and warranty it, like the rest of humanity that believes the alternator is some magical physics defying instant battery charger, and the quality/price/label of the battery determines its lifespan, as opposed to how it is treated during it.
It could very well take 10+ hours at 14.5v before amps taper to 0.5% of capacity on a slowly discharged battery over seeral months, and a 'smart charger' would be lucky to hold it for 1/5 of that time, and that green light smart chrgers throw out to indicate full charge, mocks any fool who believes it.