Forum Discussion

Treefrog's avatar
Sep 05, 2023

Ca emission control starting 2024

California requires a smog test for diesel RV registration starting 2024. I called my local Cummins dealer and he had no suggestions on how to bring an old design into compliance.

Have you heard of any?
  • California regulations have no exemptions or lower standards for older rigs.
  • With California it is hard to say. But I would guess it will only apply to later models that already have certain levels of factory stock emissions controls to ensure those are still intact and functioning. Older models with few or no factory stock emissions controls likely exempt or tested to a different standard. Deleted trucks probably in trouble.
  • 3_tons's avatar
    Explorer III
    Volvo states that building an EV produces 70% more carbon pollution (whatever that means, kinda funny, was taught CO2 was a plant fertilizer!!) than an ICE vehicle…. “Diesel Bad”, don’t ya know - repeat the narrative!!

    3 tons
  • 3_tons's avatar
    Explorer III
    StirCrazy wrote:
    Treefrog wrote:
    California requires a smog test for diesel RV registration starting 2024. I called my local Cummins dealer and he had no suggestions on how to bring an old design into compliance.

    Have you heard of any?

    and why are you worried about this? they wouldn't have to meet any more strict guidelines than what they were designed to....

    The issue is going to be what legislation is going to follow to newer models and how is this going to affect people that have ‘modified diesels’
    away from the design spec for that year. so unless you have modified it and it is running well, you should have an issue.

    This might be true if it applied only to modified engines, and we opt to dismiss the fact that California has a history of banning perfectly good diesel engines (arbitrarily beyond a certain year of manufacture) and requiring a hole be drilled through their engine blocks - FWIW, this is all done by agency regulatory fiat (overreach) rather than by representative law making, this the basis of Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ - though the excepted new normal…
  • ^Or how the inevitable legislation to follow out of Commiefornia may/will just outlaw any non tier IV emissions spec RV diesels. They already did it to semi trucks. RVs would be much easier to ban….don’t give ‘em any ideas…
  • Treefrog wrote:
    California requires a smog test for diesel RV registration starting 2024. I called my local Cummins dealer and he had no suggestions on how to bring an old design into compliance.

    Have you heard of any?

    and why are you worried about this? they wouldn't have to meet any more strict guidelines than what they were designed to....

    The issue is going to be what legislation is going to follow to newer models and how is this going to affect people that have modified their diesels away from the design spec for that year. so unless you have modified it and it is running well, you should have an issue.