Yeah, because techs with decades of experience with RV’s - you know, like the Yahoos at Lazy Days, have all the answers. It’s exactly techs like Doug who REFUSED to ever so much as LOOK at the camper as being the root cause. Converter module wiring isn’t rocket science. It’s not even technical. Ground, power, signals, output.
And I don’t understand why someone comes in here to help and then when someone lets them know they’re wrong, they get all pissy.
I get it though. Some of you people put an awful lot of stock in being THE answer guy and you don’t like getting called out on your BS answers. That’s not on me. If you’re wrong (and you are) just say “Thank you for clarifying” and move on. Since the purpose of this thread is to help out others and not just myself, I feel somewhat responsible for making sure it accurately reflects my actual situation and provides USEFUL information for anyone else coming along. Don’t like the way I handle the information on a thread regarding MY issue, walk away. No harm. No foul. Buh bye. ???