Here we go. What a yahoo forum. Useless. Let me sign off with the following. I think Doug is a cocky moron. That’s my opinion and he can hire a lawyer and sue me if he thinks he has a case. I don’t care how many years of experience that clown has but he came in here all gangbusters saying there was NO possible way it could be the camper without asking any questions as to how the tow vehicle was ruled out. Diagnosing remotely is difficult, you opine? Not for Doug, apparently. He ruled out my Jeep without asking a question and a forum that holds such idiots in high regard is no place for me.
So, rather than sit here and have endless back-and-forth dialogues with Yahoo after butt hurt yahoo, I’ll simply end my past, current and future experiences here in this forum with a “go **** yourselves” and follow that with a promise never to return to such a pathetic forum.
Over, out and gone.