Forum Discussion

Almot's avatar
Explorer III
Jul 11, 2013

Can you pull 2*6 AWG through 3/4" conduit?

Need to pull a pair of AWG 6 cables from solar through the roof. When I look at some photos here, it looks like people are able to pull 2* AWG 4 through 3/4 conduit connectors. I don't have cables yet, will order when will know the exact length, and it will be AWG 6 welding cable. From what I know, AWG 4 is 0.4" OD including insulation. AWG 6 has 0.35-0.39" OD. It would be nice to use 3/4" connectors - those 1" are huge, I just have doubts. Are you guys squeezing cables to death, when routing them through the roof? Rubber insulation will give a little, alright, but is it good for cables to be pressed together, with 12-15 A current?

PS: In case if somebody is wondering what the heck I'm talking about :) , here is an old thread, see photo 8 from the bottom, it shows roof junction box. And there were other, can't find it now, also with 3/4" connectors. I know those connectors, they must be 3/4.
  • Almot's avatar
    Explorer III
    smkettner wrote:
    #10 wire, 8 amps, 48 volts, 30' (each way) will net about 1% drop.

    Is the 8amps the Isc or Imp rating?

    Why bother with more wire? If the panels have MC4 connectors even better.


    Calculators - if one can trust them :) for 8.68A, 60.4V, 2*25ft, show #8 AWG at 1% drop.

    Yes, there are MC4 and I will use one on each panel to connect 2 panels in series. But the "out" +/- leads will have to be spliced to some wire beefier than #10. Sorry for hijacking my own topic - inevitable thing with solar.
  • Forget the welding cable. USE wire will work great. That is what comes attached to solar panels from the factory (if they don't have screw terminals).
    You could use tray cable, UF wire, or SE cable. They are all readily available at an electrical supply house.
    For what it's worth, 2 #4 THHN conductors will fit inside 3/4" EMT conduit.
  • So 490w less 2% you gain 7 watts for the hassle.
    The battery will be charged at 12:10p with big wire instead of 12:15p with the #10.
    Simplicity is well worth it IMO.
  • Almot's avatar
    Explorer III
    SMK, with all due respect - there is no such thing as "more cable than needed" :) ... Depending on exact location of the controller, it could be 60ft total cable run (before controller), and then calculator suggests #6.

    THWN - yes, they are thinner, 2*AWG 6 will fit into 3/4" hole nicely, the only problem is that I can't find anybody selling it per foot and with free shipping, say if I need 70ft of black and 70ft of red. THHN - don't know, they are less weather-proof and there will be about 6ft of it exposed.
  • can you ? yes for std AWG wire with THNN plastic wrap insulation

    welding cable being more flexible is thicker due to the many strands of Fine wire and the thicker 'rubber' insulation

    I never tried to fit welding wire in conduit