Not sarcasm
Anti-rationalization skewing reality.
A lot of times an individual will sell THEMSELVES into buying an idea meaning a product. Their self salesmanship is so effective it skews reality to the point where they try and sell others on their decision based on the teeter-totter of rational thought having a few extra chunks of biasing lead tossed onto the contraption.
For instance, a very limited income forces me to see both sides in a purchase. I will argue back and forth the pluses and minuses of a particularly pricey purchase. When a product lives up to its extra expense then it becomes justified. I think the older one becomes especially if financially challenged, the more relevant the issue. Of course, this challenges that the extremely wealthy will kill over a nickel.
I get very defensive and suspicious when someone tries to sell me on an idea and provides ludicrous information in an attempt to reinforce their salesmanship.
This discussion is about Lithium batteries,
A positive: They can withstand constant partial charging
A negative: Already incredibly overweight rigs will benefit from a hundred-pound savings
4,000 cycles
4,000 cycles = If cycled overy other day it adds up to 22 years of year-round camping. Should = 118 years if you're a weekend camper, right?
One single solitary overcharge and your goose is cooked. Do you feel lucky? No one is going to go public with a thousand dollar screwup...
I am several light-years from approaching "perfect". I continue to be suckered into buying less expensive reading glasses. A fifteen dollar pair will outlast ten three dollar glasses and the frames continue to break and the lenses continue to pop out.
Some stuff from China continues to be a ripoff even if they were free.
I will argue the point that playing devil's advocate before jumping at a thousand dollar expense will always pay dividends.
Unless of course, "Money Is No Object" and you have a ten-yard dumpster.
Remember the "JC Penny Battery?" Try and figure out what it really cost. The answer involves the hauling around of a second well maintained battery in the trunk.