With your shaky battery situation, the DC voltage fell, your amps went way up, and the gen auto start voltage setting was hit. Gens run from the house batts, same as the inverter, so it is noteworthy that the gen even started with the batteries like that.
Not sure I understand this. Both the coach and start batteries were fully charged. Before today, the charger was charging the house batts at about 13.3 - 13.4v and I have a Trik-L-Start to keep the new start batts charged too. BTW, the genny did not start; it was just turning over. I am doing some work on it and had the control box disconnected.
First thing, check with your meter on the output terminals of the converter for 12 volt charging voltage. You should have 13.5 there.
On the Freedom 20 inverter/charger there aren't any external terminals. The darn thing is in a compartment and it's hard to get at too It is definitely not even on - no humm. It sounds like I might have to pull it out of there.
Re loose connections, I know the coach batts (2 8Ds) are good and tight but I will check all other connections closely tomorrow.
Hadn't thought of just getting a charger. Anyhow, I'll check those connections and hope for more ideas too. Thanks.