26a is going to be slow charging on a 220AH bank, even at the right voltages. For generator charging you could use a 75 amp charger to advantage, where you would be doing "50-90" on generator. The 90-100 would be on solar or shore power.
The PowerMax 75ADJ would be ideal, but will max a 2000w inverter-gen. I could just be able to run it. Some folks do with theirs. If you are at some altitude, where the 2000w runs lower, then the big gen would be needed.
Here are some times it takes to recharge a 220ah bank 50-90 at various initial amp levels. You can see where 26a would fit in for time (go in below the 35a line) Times here are with Vector portables on two 27s--the 75ADJ time on 232AH would be similar to the 70 here on 220.