This image of an obsolete Megawatt was selected because it shows a homemade correctly color-coded hookup.
This photo may be ten years old and this model has disappeared but every wire connection is still accurate. The voltage range is NOW 10.50 volts to almost 16.0 volts.
See the printed voltage range? Today just beneath it TODAYS Megawatts and Meanwells have a fully exposed BLUE potentiometers.

Turn it clockwise and the voltage rises, anticlockwise (for Canadians) the voltage goes down.
Connect a voltmeter polarity + to any of the 3 + terminals and yo any of three - - - terminals and plug it in.
Tah-dah! regulated voltage appears on the meter dial. The pot is sensitive and it may take four or five twiddles to get it spot on.
That's it! No more twiddling EVER unless you demand different for some odd reason. The 120 volt AC power black and white connections on the right side of the terminal block, from there to an outlet is where the TIMER is placed.
The timer circles round then SHUTS COMPLETELY OFF. Just like in a gas station bathroom. The brand I recommend Intermatic has a durability rating of ONE MILLION CYCLES.
Take the charger, and connect positive and negative with 10 gauge red and black wires which are then directed to the house battery.
I recommend 14.4 volts for a setting. To tweak it to the 14.40 volts right to the hundredth of a volt AFTER te batteries are filled, recheck and twiddle. You will never have to twiddle again. Permanently set for life.
When camping kill the breaker to your original perverter as the safeguard inside the Megawatt prevents more than one charging source.
If 14.40 volts is maintained on an AGM could overheat and damage the battery there would be tens of thousands of vehicles on the shoulder of the road with bulged hoods due to battery explosion. use your head folks. TRY and derate the battery for underhood temperatures in excess of 122F. Yes I am talking about AGM.
If boondocking and corrective changing at home gets any easier than this, I will kiss your fanny at high noon in the town square. But bring along Chap Stick --- you'll need it.