RobWNY wrote:
I mean, if I have to spend $360 every couple of years on batteries, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I spend more money than that at Tim Hortons every year!
Right now you've got just one flooded that came with the trailer, a G24 probably. That really is insufficient for several days of dry camping, even in warm weather when you wouldn't be running a furnace, but stepping up from a single 85 AH battery to 2 GC-2s with a 200 - 230 AH rating is a significant improvement, one that IMO is easy to justify for your intended use ... but you don't need four, not yet anyway when you really don't know what your average power requirements might be. Whether those GC-2s are flooded as well or you're willing to ante up for more costly AGM versions is really
your decision as functionally they both serve the same purpose. With less costly flooded I might be inclined to just use your existing WFCO for the time being (assuming it's otherwise functioning properly) but personally I think the extra expense of the AGMs then does justify the investment in a charger that can properly maintain those AGMs for greatest lifespan. Others disagree about temp compensation but if you're going to spend this much on AGMs and we know there are chargers available that meet this requirement I see little reason to
not invest in one. Flooded or AGM though, you'd have to be awfully careless to just get 2 yrs out of either, regardless of which charging regime you follow. As for Timmy's, I agree ... there comes a point where I'd rather spend my $$ at Tim's! :B