BFL13 wrote:
Joel_T wrote:
I'm a bit confused again (or still :B ) The Powermax-PMBC-55ADJ also says it's a 3 stage automatic. Automatic what...can't find any manual. I thought when I adjusted volts to whatever it stayed there.
Yes boatandrv ad is wrong about that. The ADJ version is not three-stage. Some have that 15 minute thing though, which means it drops a volt after 15 minutes from whatever it was at when it started. (As requested by the BMW showroom guys who buy these things--- perhaps it acts like a car's alternator doing that drop?)
This link at Boatandrvaccessories has much more info than the link I found at Amazon. (I couldn't post that link as it had too many characters this site won't allow in a post) I does say that the 3 stage charging can be turned off...interesting if true. It say's it's adjustable from 12.5 to 16.5volts. It also says output voltage from 13.6 to 14.4v. Maybe that's wizard voltages?