SoundGuy, I'm not sure how I would replace the cables either and like I said, probably not worth the hassle. My WFCO does work. When plugged in at home and using a volt meter on the cable ends, I get 13.6 volts. Basically all I'm accomplishing is being able to force a bulk charging that the WFCO won't do. The PD4655 is pretty much just the guts. It doesn't have a case so mounting it in the pass through like the other units that have been discussed wouldn't work.
BFL13, the PD4655 comes with the remote so I can force bulk charging, be in normal charging mode or when the batteries are full, be in storage mode. If I force bulk charging and it gets to 90% before my 2 hour generator time is up, it will go to normal mode automatically so even though I have forced the bulk mode, it won't let me overcharge.
So is this the ideal solution? Probably not. It's a long run of cable and I'm curious to know how many amps I'll lose with approx. 30ft of 6 AWG but it will get the job done, just a little slower. The worst case scenario is that I drain the batteries too low on a cold night or I run out of power altogether and it's cold in the camper. Not really a big deal. Our camper is well equipped with blankets and sleeping bags if we need them.