Joel_T wrote:
Using generalities, doesn't this kind of hold true? 5 lbs per cell = starter battery, 10 lbs per cell= marine batt, 20 lbs per cell = deep cycle batt
After going back through some different batteries, I need to add about 2 1/2 lbs to each of those numbers and then I'll still stand by those loose averages. Trailers typically all need 12v supply so I'll just call my 2 6v batts a 2pc 12v battery. A lot (or most?) 2pc GC2(H) 12v batteries have around double the amps and double the weight per cell of 1pc group 31 12v batteries. I want the most amps which I could also get from 2 12v batteries but that doesn't double the weight per cell which I believe lends itself to the durability of the battery for long slow discharges. What other reason would they design a cell with twice the weight? Maybe they're in cahoots with Detroit and want to help kill my tongue weight/payload weight and force a bigger truck on me? :B