MrWizard wrote:
it means what i said
inrush and applied charge until done are NOT the same thing
so a battery can do 800amps Discharge for 5 minutes under test conditions
can you apply 800amps charge for 5 minutes, even for 1 minute ?
IF you do ? how hot will that battery get ?
why do you think that battery is rated for a 50amp charge rate, even IF it could handle a 5C inrush for a few seconds
the charging cycle takes more energy and creates more heat, than the discharge cycle
50% of 260ah = 130 ampHrs restored in 4 hrs about 22.5ah avg
possibly a 90amp ? surge rate, approx C/3
yes AGm has lower resistance, yes i love mine, but they do not do any miraculous 5C charging,
and these lifetime specs do they tell you at what DOD they are in and what the applied voltage is to reach this 5C charge rate and how long it can be maintained ?
The heat would be a factor of the applied Voltage at 800A. In theory and with a temp-comp charger, including a temp sense cable actually fastened to a battery post, the battery would be safe at unlimited Amps. The charger would then know to manage the Volts and preclude overheating.
In practice, there is little reason for the charge Amps to exceed the Amps missing from the battery. Isn't that what a temp comp charger is supposed to do?