Joel_T wrote:
Thanks...a little less PO'd. Good thinking...on your part anyway. All the way clockwise is 13ish and the other way is 15.5+. All I care for is the fixed adjustable. (oxymoron?) I would have gotten the dial/led meter less 3 stage if it had been available....and would likely recommend that. Think they'd trade me?
Also, not that it can be fixed but I see what needs to happen with that switch but don't understand what mechanism works it.
Thank goodness it works! So you now have a basic ADJ except the little pot instead of the knob on top. If you don't care about three stage and the hole for the pot is big enough, just put the lid back on and tape over the switch hole.
So if you have that as your only converter, you still need to play with the pot, but if you have the original rig's converter, I suggest you leave the PM3-75 at 14.8 and just use it for fast charging. Reason is I don't know how much that little pot can take if you keep twiddling it. Use the original converter for 13.6 on shore power--which is how I do it, but I have a 5er with lots of room.
Set at 14.8 it does Bulk and then Absorption (for as long as you like) then you stop the generator. So you don't need to set it at 13.6 afterwards because you have no 120v anyway. :)