The batteries are acting like they have low capacity. Agree with second opinion on the SG, but... Voltage can be not bad and still have low SG "depending." IMO just leave them on a charge for a day or two like T2R said, and see what happens. This will take lots of time.
Confirm the WFCO is getting over 115v just to eliminate one thing.
When I take my 6s down to 50% for a test at their 20 hr rate, they get to about 11.7 loaded, with SG about 1.190 and I stop. Voltage bounces back to 12.1 after a while confirming the SG 50% marker.
I have no info on what your batts have been doing for the last few months or how old they are etc to explain how they got this way, but IMO the thing to do now is just do a best attempt proper "recovery" which will take a day or three, and then see what's what.
You don't need to go back to 50% to show the 75 amper can do 75. Forgot to mention this earlier.
Once you have battery, you can test the 75 amper by using an inverter draw of say 80 amps and watch the Trimetric when you turn on the 75. Amps should go from minus 80 to minus 5, indicating the 75 amper is doing 75.