Which converter can best meet these "proper charge" requirements?
Apply 75 amps initially, hold 14.7 for 4 hours then float at 13.6.
Any that can do it on a 15amp AC circuit?"
The PowerMax 75 and up are PF corrected so they will run on the 15a circuit ok. BUT, they have a charging profile that drops the absorption voltage to a "gentle level" once 14.6v is reached during bulk. (same with Iota--which is not even PF corrected)
You could get the variable voltage model of that PM one which does not do the three or four stages automatically, but then you have to be there at the end of the four hours to drop it to 13.6 yourself. That one does let you choose higher than 14.6 for your Vabs. Once you set it to 13.6 it will stay there. You can pick another Float voltage depending on the temperature where you are.
You can spend a bunch and get a fancy inverter/charger that has all sorts of programs that could get you there AFAIK.
The PD 80 amper will do about 75 in real life , and it will do the four hours at Vabs if the batts have enough capacity other wise it drops to 13.6 before the four hours when batts are about 97% SOC. It is not PF corrected so needs a 20a input circuit. Also it is 14.4 Vabs.