This is great material. And I am considering the AGM's to replace my 4-6 volt batteries in the not too distant future. But, first...the reason for my question about using a Century 87151 automatic charger at the low 2 amp setting is....let's say you wanted to recharge a simple kids electric scooter AGM 12 volt 7 amp-hour battery. I know this is a far cry from trying to figure out how, etc, to recharge a 4 battery 800 + amp-hour system, but if we can understand a simple small battery recharge it may shed some additional light on charging the more expansive systems. and let's assume the physical makeup of the small battery is the same as the 200+ AH. This may be a mute point in that as I understand the previous discussions that my charger even at the 2 amp setting may put out too much voltage. Am I understanding this correctly, and subsequently shorten the life of any AGM?