Harvey51 wrote:
“one killowatt gets you about 6 ish kilometers in most EV's. ”
Unit confusion in this topic!
The kilowatt is not a unit of energy. It is a unit of power - how fast energy is consumed. Analogous to a gasoline car’s gallons per hour.
The unit of electric energy is the kilowatt hour. Analogous to gas car’s gallon of gas.
Driving an electric car a kilometre requires some amount of energy. How many kilowatt hours is it? How much does a kilowatt hour (KWH) cost? This is indicated on any electricity bill. It may be ten cents plus another ten cents delivery charge.
Why not just convert ecar units to gas car units? Much easier to relate to for most people:
746 watts = 1 hp
1 kw-hr = 0.03 gallons of gas