Hoppypoppy wrote:
When we leave the house, both 6 volt batteries are showing in the 6.25 - 6.30 range having charged with shore power. ...
... After bfast, no coffee maker, minimal light usage etc, I check my batts. Typically they are in the 5.15 - 5.60 range. A 3 hour "charge" will bring them back to roughly 6.15.
These numbers don't tell much, other than you are not taking good care of your batteries.
Voltage charts provided in other posts can tell you approximate charge if you measure it on a rested battery. Meaning, rested at least 12 hours, preferably 24, after charging, AND there are no loads when you measure voltage.
So, 6.25-6.3 shortly after being charged - when you leave home - means you are leaving every time with batteries not fully charged.
6.15 measured either under load or while still charging, doesn't tell anything.
5.15-5.60 measured in absence of loads means your batteries are dead or almost dead. But, if measured under load, it doesn't tell much.
As to your initial question - Don Piano is right, it is impossible to answer as it is. To gain the last 0.1-0.2V takes several times longer than the first 0.1-02V.
Generator is not the right tool to bring battery to 100%. The answer on generator run time won't help you, if you don't bring battery to 100% most of the time - because they won't last long then. Roy's post where it says about 60 hours from fully discharged to 90% full, is as close answer as it can be.