dtappy3353 wrote:
Thanks Old-Biscuit....that's what I was looking for.
Thank you to all who responded.
Old-Biscuit mentioned a turn signal flasher, for testing, you don't need the lights flashing. You really just need them to light up when commanded.
While there is a manufacturer that makes a commercial ready to use tester, it is pretty expensive at $170..

HEREYou can easily "build" that same box pretty cheap..
Just need 7 pin socket..

and a few switches and a fuse and a electrical box large enough to fit the socket.
Use the diagram Boon Docker posted.
You can use the battery power from the trailer connector to power the lights, add a small fuse from the battery pin to the switches.
Basically you will need a switch for running lights, a switch for left and right turn and if you have it a switch for backup lights.
All parts could be had for less than $40.
But the issue I see is there is no way to test the brakes effectiveness..
Personally, I just back my vehicle up to the trailer and use the vehicle to test them. No need to hitch up trailer to test.