CapriRacer wrote:
Now for those who admonished me for promoting the lack of limitation and therefore encouraging people to greatly exceed the pressure listed on the sidewall - I am doing nothing of the sort. The facts are the facts. It is permissible to inflate ST tires (and LT tires, too) as much as 10 psi more than what is listed on the sidewall (again, no maximum is stated) If you have a problem with that, talk to the tire manufacturers who put the info on the sidewall.
So, when all those folks you have given permission(that's how they will see it) to add pressure and drive faster start showing up here complaining about their "junk Chinese ST tires" blowing up and damaging their RV's, we'll just send them your way. I'm sure you will convince them that it was their fault in the first place.
You just can't fix stupid!!!