Houses used to use fuses, but now circuit breakers, obviously, you can just reset them when they trip instead of buying a new fuse each time. Breakers also work as an on/off switch.
I have one of these in a 100amp and it works just fine, $15 or so, though I havent tested it or made it trip.
ebay link to 300 amp breaker
ebay 300 amp breakerI actually have 4 total of different amp ratings for my solar and battery and vehicle connections.
There are also breakers that will reset themselves after they trip after they cool down, so are kind-of an automatic resetting breaker, kind-of.
Of course you will probably never trip a fuse anyway, so not a big deal to have two spare fuses on hand either.
* I dont get why you would want to buy an expensive shut-off switch, then put in a fuse when a breaker is bother a switch and a "fuse" in application.