BruceMc wrote:
BFL13 wrote:
To get a complete disconnect, have the switch going straight to the battery and all the pos wires on the outer side of the switch. (Except leave the breakaway switch wire right on the battery positive post, and don't fuse that wire either)
When I was setting up my pickup to tow a tandem flatbed with brakes, I was discussing breakaway circuits with an old friend - he stated he originally had a fuse in his break-away wire. He said one day he was working his way down a long gravel hill towing a tractor on a flatbed when the fuse blew. It was all he could to to manage the impending train wreak.
He suggested I put a self-resetting circuit breaker inline.
Appears to be some confusion here.
The blue wire on the 7-pin works the trailer brakes from the brake controller in the truck. Not to be confused with the trailer brakes getting power from the trailer battery when the 7-pin has broken away (along with any hitching to the tow vehicle--ie a "breakaway")
The rule is the breakaway switch on the trailer should not be fused to the trailer battery and not go via a disconnect switch either.
Shown here as an example-(Komfort 5er) see where it says no fuse to the trailer brakes from the blue wire, and none on the breakaway either