Forum Discussion

joeshmoe's avatar
Sep 18, 2014

CO Sensor...beep,beep,beep at 3AM

The last two nights we've been awakened by the carbon monoxide sensor. It's pretty loud. Thankfully, neighbors haven't said anything. I think I got to it both times before it became too much of a problem.

Anyway, the brand is Safe-t-alert. Has a solid green light, so no obvious fault. Is it just bad? How sensitive are these things? It's barely a year old. There is absolutely nothing on or around that should set it off. The camper is sealed up tight. When we brought it home last year, the very first night, it did the same thing. Hasn't done it since, til now. I normally leave the converter/charger plugged in w/ batteries still connected. Thoughts?
  • LoL. I thought about that too, but my wife "feels" better with it working.
  • I have a CO detector that woke me up at 2 am. But it will never wake me up again, ever :)
  • RoyB wrote:

    Read your literature on how your installed ALARMS are suppose to work...

    Roy Ken

    I did that and reset it. The beep is not continuous. Batteries are always fully charged. It probably needs to be replaced. I just thought I'd ask in case I'm missing something.

    darsben wrote:
    If my battery is low and the furnace starts then my sensor starts the Beep.
    I figure this is because of the starting draw

    Not occupying the camper. It's sitting in the driveway all closed up.
  • If my battery is low and the furnace starts then my sensor starts the Beep.
    I figure this is because of the starting draw
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    When the SENSORs only BEEP it usually means a low Battery etc. You can RESET the alarm and it quits.

    A CONTINUOUS ALARM indicates an actual alarm has been activated.

    This is how most SENSORs operate at any rate...

    I like to have two working CO DETECTORS installed in the same location as a PLAN B for false or "TEST" alarms.

    Read your literature on how your installed ALARMS are suppose to work...

    Roy Ken
  • How many ppm were on the display??? If the answer is that there is no display, I would buy a new one that has one. Kidde makes one with a display and a ten year lithium ion battery for about $50. So far so good with mine. You don't want to wake up dead.
  • Mine would usually only go off if the battery voltage was starting to get low. Even though you state that you're plugged in, you might want to measure your battery voltage before you start replacing parts. Who knows, it could be a converter problem and the detector is the first item to give you a signal.
  • You can reset it. The instructions are on the back. If reset and it still goes off replace it.