With DC it is a real pain to maintain adequate voltage over a long distance. My issue with macerator is this...
With varying loads (don't ask) 17 amps at the motor may be a dream in worst case. I demonstrated this to a fellow in a Crown bus conversion. His bus was 12 volt. At the macerator motor he was getting 10.9 volts while his house batteries were registering 12.7 with the converter charging them up.
I applied 14.8 volts, the macerator speed ramped way up and the fellow got the concept rapidly. He exchanged his 12 gauge wires for 8 gauge (about a 30' run) then checked with me again. "Cuts the time needed about in half".
There are 2 pin high amperage sockets and plugs in case you wish to have a macerator with a short DC pigtail.