20 Days later! I have been busy Competition BBqen and using extension cord through window.I replace shore plug,nope it still screwed up pulled breakers and multimeterd them ohms of resistance 100% when selected off the siamesed breaker is a 15 and 20 amp on the winni. I then moved to the gfi in bathroom- next in line according to schematic..I tested the gfi for volts yellow light on o volts. turned 30 amp main off pulled gfi out zaPP! FELY LIKE ALTERNATING CURRENT hehe anyways I looked down and yes the main was off looking me in the eye,yes I went and checked it 3 times it is off.So is there a capacitor in gfi? 4 recepticles remain down stream Galley tv and dinette and I believe external outlet.Something to do with ground perhaps?
Thanks for your patience