Thanks for all the comments folks!! Had quite the day today with the rig. Some revelations and some questions left at the end.
On shore power all this time below.
Converter out connected and driver side battery disconnected (I thought this was the battery for the motor to crank but found that it was not) fuse that was giving me the drop yesterday out - 12.7 volts
Same but fuse back in 12.5 volts (was ~ 2v yesterday but maybe I didn't have a good connection with meter)
Same but driver side battery connected - 12.4 volts
Disconnected driver side battery and checked voltage of the battery - 3.96 (this is when I found that I could still crank the motor with this battery disconnected - kinda caught me off guard)
Battery shot most likely - I have a desulfator that might bring it around but am going to replace anyway
Disconnected middle battery and checked the voltage of the battery - 12.67 and motor still cranked - slow beep from inside maybe the carb dioxide detector..
Disconnected the passenger side battery - 12.4v - motor would not crank (whew!!) I would have really been confused if it had!
Converter output with converter connected and all fuses in but all three batteries disconnected - 12.1 v
Converter out - disconnected - 13.7v
Converter out - connected but no batteries and all fuses in - 12.2v
Converter out - connected but no batteries and all fuses in except #8 - 13.15v
Converter out - connected but all batteries and all fuses in except #8 - 12.7v (replaced bad battery)
Converter out - connected but all batteries and all fuses in except #8 - 12.7v (difference here is that I plugged in the wizard) - slow blink and when I pressed the mode button it went solid but voltage stayed the same @ 12.7v
Stuck fuse #8 back in - still 12.7v
Never during any of this did the monitor (press a button and it shows water tank levels and battery condition) show charging. It showed good, out of weak, fair, good, charg.
Cranked the motor - monitor shows charg.
Turned off motor - monitor shows charg.
Converter output now shows 13.3v!!! Not sure what that means and maybe it was the killed battery that was causing the issue but 13.3V means it is charging right? Not sure why but seems like it is working. Guessing that battery had a lot to do with it but still sometimes saw issues when it was disconnected and never saw what I expected until after I cranked the motor for a minute....
Hour later - Monitor not showing charg. Converter output - 12.8v (Ken is bummed!)
Turned on fans for heater - Converter output - 12.36
I'll check it in 30 minutes and let ya'll know what I find.