landyacht318 wrote:
BFL-13, Understood with the wife and if you are not there, but her education can save you a lot of money.
"If power goes out, turn this dial to here, afterwards, you can turn it to here."
And with the money you save you can send me beer :)
My Meanwell rsp-500-15 only goes down to 13.12v and if my AGM battery is low it will still do 25 amps on startup( max of 40amps ), but I know my friends 100 amp adjustable voltage Powermax will go as low as 12.0 volts.
We are going to add another fan to it for a push pull scenario:
Might also swap out to a 10 turn potentiometer as a 90 degree sweep of the provided pot goes from 12.0 to 15.5v making 14.46v hard to dial in precisely.
JiminDenver, the adjustable voltage powermax in the 100 amp or 120 flavor would be a good option for you, if you actually get the model you order. I think this issue would have to be sorted out by now.
For sure, call Errin at PowerMax to get the specs you want. The website is a bit behind the ever-moving advances for the specs! :)
Interesting about adding a fan. I haven't had any fan issues, but I also don't live in Death Valley. :)