I'll go at this from a different angle.
IF the charger renders the batteries fully charged (this means 100.0%) within 72 hours after reconnection after a trip, then the system you have is viable.
Only you and a good hydrometer can determine whether or not this specification can be met. The SPEED the swiftness of the recharge is part of a formula.
13.6 volts at 80F will NOT boil the batteries. Not means NO, not partially no, but 100% no. 13.6 volts WILL boil a battery that is near death anyway from antimony poisoning of the negative plates.
It would take a constant battery internals temperature of +90F or greater before 13.6 volts would become a significant concern.
CAVEAT: But if the unit is not used it would be wisest to mechanically (electrically) disconnect the battery or batteries out of circuit and use a battery maintenance charger. The batteries must be 100% charged before being stored with a maintainer.