YESSIR! If 30 and 87 have continuity with the Relay OUT of the coach, then you have what Matt suspected above, Stuck Relay. Continuity 85-86 means the Coil is still good. Contacts probably fused as Matt noted. You might be able to rap it on a hard surface and get 87 to release, but it'll stick again. There's probably a plating of "noble" metal on the contact points that has worn away.
Hint: Radio Shack used to carry these relays, in store stock. They used to have the 87A terminal. If your socket doesn't have a hole to allow 87A to plug in, just take the pliers on your Leatherman Tool and worry that one off. Just be sure it isn't 87-no-A. They went to a mounting tab on the top, you can cut that off too.
On Amazon, you can get FIVE with sockets for $14 or one for $3-something. Many choices if you search "12vdc relay" and some are Prime.
Here the Little Sucker is at RatShak! No 87A terminal. Just cut the plastic tab off if the cover won't go back onto your panel.

You can tell from the diagram on its face there's no 87A.
Radio Shack Model: 275-001 or Catalog #: 2750001 $6.49