Mex, here is one for the 100amp ADJ--the photo is of the 75 amper though (three fuses the 100 amper has four fuses.) can get these PMBC-ADJ in various amp sizes.
Some specs are available here--but they are not all accurate--eg, the 75 amper does not have PF correction as some ads claim. The 100 amper does for sure.
Here is the manual for the PMBC LK version which has the holes in the side. Ordinary LKs do not have the voltmeter and on/off switch on top like the PMBCs can have.
The voltage range using the ADJ is 16.5v down to around 12 ISTR. The early ones of these only went to 15.5, but that got changed. 10 applies to the ordinary LK too. If you twiddle the pot while it is switched to 3 stage it changes all the stage voltages. You can repair that by starting over and set 14.6 in ADJ mode and switch back to 3 stage mode.
Here is an ad for the 100amp LK posted a link to the bestconverter version of the PMBC ADJ. Randy calls his "Boondockers"
The "boost" voltage of the 3 or 4 stage ones varies by model from 14.4 , 14.6, and I think a 14.8.
Some of the ADJ models have a 15 minute thing at the start where they do a higher voltage for 15 minutes then drop a volt. So you get 16.5v for 15 minutes, then it drops to 15.5. If you start with 14.6 it will drop to 13.6 after the first 15, so you have to crank it back to 14.6 and now it will stay there.
The 3 stage option in the LKs has a 30 minute initial boost no matter what ISTR. It will stay in boost longer if the batts still accept the amps. The PMs had that drop to 13.6 from 14.4 as soon as the batts hit 14.4, which was too soon. This 30 minute thing in the LKs is meant to address that--at least somewhat.
There are so many versions it is hard to keep track of what does what for specs.
AHA! Finally! It looks like PowerMax is going all in with the LKs. They have a new product line up here, but the photos are still showing the old PM3s. (You can spot an LK by the two holes in the side and by the lack of the external fan)