Forum Discussion

centerline's avatar
Jan 06, 2018

dometic 2852 refridgerator wont operate on propane...

my dometic 2852 operates fine on 110, but it does NOTHING when switched to gas...
it doesnt try to ignite, the gas valve does not come on, so I cant light it manually, AND YET the check light does not come on either....
I thought it may just be air in the gas line, until I found the fuel valve doesnt even click or come on.

my lower board is the model with only 1 fuse, and its good... I dont know if the upper board has a fuse that could cause a problem, nor how to troubleshoot any other part of the system.

while checking the fuses at the lower board, I checked all connections and they are secure, but it really seems odd that the check light never comes on

the condition of my batteries are not the problem, as they are new

does anyone have any suggestions as to what more the check, and where to check it at?.... or a troubleshooting flow chart? thanks
  • RM models use
    #3308741.002 (early production numbers)
    #3850415.013 (later production numbers)

    DM models use
    3850712.013 (3316348.900)

    Is current board OEM or has it been changed?
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    YOUR AC/Gas fidge has two fuses on lower circuit board

    One 5A for AC electric heater element (Horizontal---center of board)
    One 3A fo DC (Vertical--left side of board)
    ***Fridge will Not function w/o DC Voltage---No AC operation or propane operation----no display panel lights/no controls

    Your thermistor is functioning otherwise the AC would not properly cool

    Only one thermostat and one thermistor.
    Thermistor is the 'sensing' probe that the non-adjustable t-stat uses to control cooling cycles (turning heat source on/off be it AC or Gas)
    Thermistor attached to far right cooling fin in food compartment.

    AC Works...Gas doesn't
    That suggests lower circuit board gas circuit is bad.

    To test...
    Check for DC Voltage at P3 plug Lower Board (upper right corner)
    S/B DC Voltage between Terminal 1 (WHITE) and Terminal 2 (YELLOW) when on GAS and fridge is warm enough to call for cooling cycle

    See pg 11
    LINK...Service Manual

    Thank you... I will check the gas circuit wiring tomorrow...

    this an RM 2852 unit, but the board in it is like the one in the DM units with only 1 fuse...
    it is my understanding that the only difference beteewn the RM and the DM units was the age of them (DM is newer), but otherwise identical... and it would stand to reason that a newer unit may be equipped with a newer style board.... BUT, maybe there is more of a difference than just age, and the DM board wont work in the RM unit??? who could definitely answer this question? thanks
  • YOUR AC/Gas fidge has two fuses on lower circuit board

    One 5A for AC electric heater element (Horizontal---center of board)
    One 3A fo DC (Vertical--left side of board)
    ***Fridge will Not function w/o DC Voltage---No AC operation or propane operation----no display panel lights/no controls

    Your thermistor is functioning otherwise the AC would not properly cool

    Only one thermostat and one thermistor.
    Thermistor is the 'sensing' probe that the non-adjustable t-stat uses to control cooling cycles (turning heat source on/off be it AC or Gas)
    Thermistor attached to far right cooling fin in food compartment.

    AC Works...Gas doesn't
    That suggests lower circuit board gas circuit is bad.

    To test...
    Check for DC Voltage at P3 plug Lower Board (upper right corner)
    S/B DC Voltage between Terminal 1 (WHITE) and Terminal 2 (YELLOW) when on GAS and fridge is warm enough to call for cooling cycle

    See pg 11
    LINK...Service Manual
  • might go check those new batteries, you got to have a good 12v to the board weather on shore power or not.
  • wasatchmtnatvr wrote:
    Is the lower box already cold? if yes it wont turn on lp until asked for more cooling.

    it wasnt when I was trying to get it to light, but it is cooler now that its running on 110v, but not down to 45 or lower like it should be.

    I suspect the thermistor is bad, so I ordered one of the adjustable thermostat kits to install in place of the "automatic" thermistor..

    is the freezer and the fridge box on separate thermostats and able to cool at different rates and times?
  • Is the lower box already cold? if yes it wont turn on lp until asked for more cooling.